Episcopal Church of the Nativity

Our mission is to worship God, to follow Jesus Christ, to grow together in the Holy Spirit, and to serve our community.



Church Sponsored Programs

Pantry Garden

The back yard of our church is dedicated to a garden for the Good Neighbors Food Pantry. The Pantry is open every Tuesday at 624 State Street (behind the Free Clinic). Phone 231-497-8677

Thanksgiving Basket Outreach

Each year Nativity distributes Thanksgiving baskets to friends of Nativity who have touched our lives in special ways.



Community Outreach

Boyne Area Community Christmas

This group of volunteers work to provide baskets of food and gifts for over 200 needy families in our community.

Boyne City Deacon's Fund

Administered by the Boyne City Ministerial Association, this fund was established to provide financial assistance to families in extreme need.

Chaplaincy Program - McLaren Hospital

Ongoing Financial support.



Good Neighbors Food Pantry - goodneighborsboyne.org

Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan - www.edwm.org

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) - www.episcopalrelief.org